15 April 1993 – This instant is out of time

A few extracts from this beautiful satsang from the 15th of April 1993 were used in the documentary “Call off the Search.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBIK-VFvDhA The video includes the following: . Papaji starts with a discourse about satsang and how no sadhana is needed to recognise one’s own nature. “To return to your own heart, I don’t […]

19th January 93 – When you don’t think you can see your face

This amazing satsang is from the 19th of January 1993 and it includes the following: *ALICE has visions of Ramana and Jesus. Also visions of her decomposing body. “‘I’ remained. Ramana is everywhere.” *SHOBA: “Can you speak about the 3 states of mind? Papaji: “Tamasic mind is completely devoted to material life. Rajasic is the […]

3rd May 1993

This Satsang from the 3rd of May 1993 includes: * A young man tells Papaji that he is tired of thinking and asks guidance how to keep quiet. Papaji tells him to go and sit in the cemetery and learn from the dead how to keep quiet. * A woman is leaving for Rishikesh and […]

‘This’ and ‘That’ has camouflaged the Substratum

This clip is from the beginning of satsang of 9th October 1992 and starts with a discourse: “This’ and ‘That’ has camouflaged the Substratum. “Before even the creation it was Being, Knowledge and Bliss. There was no universe, no beings, no mountains, no rivers; only Being, Knowledge and Bliss. And later, after dissolution what remains will be […]
