15 April 1993 – This instant is out of time

A few extracts from this beautiful satsang from the 15th of April 1993 were used in the documentary “Call off the Search.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBIK-VFvDhA The video includes the following: . Papaji starts with a discourse about satsang and how no sadhana is needed to recognise one’s own nature. “To return to your own heart, I don’t […]

This mind is the mirror

“Within all the beings, animate, inanimate, there is essence, minutest of the minute, from where this Consciousness arises in waking, dreaming, and also in sleep. That is the consciousness I speak about; unseen, unknown, unattained, unachieved, untouched. To know “I am that essence” is called satsang.” This compilation put together for Papaji’s 26th Mahasamadhi starts […]

I want to leave the graveyard

This is a short extract from the 25th of February 1993. Papaji addresses an American devotee who find it difficult to leave the graveyard (mind): “Nobody likes to come out of this graveyard. They are all dead ideas. They have no force. Run away simply, silently. Don’t make noise.”

Return to Silence

The theme that runs throughout this compilation is “silence.” Papaji states and demonstrates that silence is one’s real and permanent nature. He goes on to say that silence is the ground and substance of everything in existence. He also answers the question, “Can one be silent while being active in the world? “ Papaji speaks […]
