15 April 1993 – This instant is out of time

A few extracts from this beautiful satsang from the 15th of April 1993 were used in the documentary “Call off the Search.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBIK-VFvDhA The video includes the following: . Papaji starts with a discourse about satsang and how no sadhana is needed to recognise one’s own nature. “To return to your own heart, I don’t […]

Find Out Who You Are

This is the beginning of the interview by Ram Crowler that was used in the documentary ‘Call off the Search.’Papaji’s message is short and clear. Just pondering on these few sentences and submerging into what Papaji is pointing to is enough to free one from bondage. For the full documentary look in our watch section: […]

Call Off The Search

This documentary, shot and produced in Lucknow in 1993, includes interviews with Papaji along with rare footage of Sri Ramana Maharshi. There are also testimonials from some of the many people who have attained freedom through Papaji’s presence and grace. Call off the Search captures Papaji beautifully, as he discusses the nature of enlightenment and […]
