Papaji’s books whose copyrights are managed by the Avadhuta Foundation can be purchased from reseller links below. Several books have been translated into other languages: see Translated Books.
Nothing Ever Happened
After Papaji had read the account of his early life that David Godman had written for the Papaji Interviews book, he invited him to Lucknow to be his official biographer. Papaji gave David full access to all his papers, answered many of his detailed questions, and encouraged all his devotees to contribute stories to the project. Papaji read and checked all the chapters, and most of them were read out by him during the daily satsangs that were taking place in Lucknow. This 1,200-page three-volume account is unlikely ever to be challenged as the definitive account of Papaji’s extraordinary life.

Covers Papaji’s early years in the Punjab, his dramatic meetings with his Master, Sri Ramana Maharshi and other spiritual luminaries, his work as a mining manager, and his teaching encounters with South Indian devotees in the late 1960s. 417 pages

Beginning with Papaji’s life in Rishikesh and his adventures in the Himalays in the late ‘60s and ‘70s, this volume moves on to describe the events of his first two foreign tours, and concludes with an illuminating record of teaching dialogues that took place in India in the mid-1970s. 411 pages

After describing his later foreign trips, the focus of this third volume shifts to the stories of devotees who met him in India during the 70s and 80s. Extracts from his personal diaries are followed by Papaji’s detailed explanations on how the Guru-disciple relationship works. 454 pages

Boxed set of the complete three volumes of Papaji’s biography by David Godman, published by the Avadhuta Foundation.
The Fire of Freedom
This is a collection of teaching dialogues between Papaji and visitors who came to see him in Lucknow in the middle of 1991. At that time only about fifteen people would come each day, and all the satsangs were held in the living room of Papaji’s house.
In these conversations Papaji explains the practical teachings of his Master, Ramana Maharshi, in a simple and forceful way. As he engages his visitors in discussions about the nature of spiritual freedom and the means by which it can be discovered, he is always looking for an opportunity to take his questioners back to the source of their minds so that they can find out for themselves, by direct experience, what he is trying to show them.
Papaji: Interviews
Papaji attracted thousands of western seekers to his satsangs in India. Among the crowds, there was a sprinkling of scholars, journalists, therapists, and spiritual writers who conducted formal interviews with him. Papaji: Interviews chronicles the encounters of well-known writers such as Jeff Greenwald, Catherine Ingram, Wes Nisker, and David Godman with Papaji on a wide variety of topics. It also contains a first-person account of Papaji’s life and realization.