You are Emptiness Itself

This is a great extract of a satsang from the 7th of March 1994, in which Papaji replies Alan’s question: “How experience of fullness is related to emptiness?” Papaji: “There’s no difference. What is empty is fullness, and what is full has to be empty. In the beginning was emptiness, in the end will be emptiness, in […]

22nd December 1992 – Riding the crocodile of Consciousness

This amazing satsang from the 22nd of December 1992 starts with a discourse on contemplation: “Contemplate on that from where all these things arise. Contemplate on that where all these things exist. Contemplate on that, which is absolute silence. Simply retrace back your own original place and don’t rest unless you have done it. Don’t […]

Choiceless Awareness

In this extracts from the 15th of March 1993 Nirakar asks Papaji: “How to be this choiceless awareness forever?” Papaji: “You can never come out of it. Coming and going means time. This moment is out of time. Intellectually you have understood but you have not become empty. Undress yourself for half a second.”

Emptiness cannot be broken

This compilation has been put together on the occasion of Papaji’s 111th birthday, October 13th, 2021. The video starts with a discourse (Om Shanti) from the 18th of September 1992, titled: ‘The desires are dancing’. ​”This universe is only the dance of desires. This dance, everlasting dance, depends upon ignorance. When this sun of Vichar […]

All This Is Me and Me is All This

This beautiful compilation put together in celebration of Papaji’s 24th Mahasamadhi includes unreleased footage filmed for the documentary ‘Call off The Search.’ The video starts with a music clip of ‘Bridge to Heaven’, a devotional song written by Franciska Kali von Koch and sang by her and Sangeeta. This song is part of the very […]

In between breaths there is nothing

In this extract from the 27th September 1993, a Gujarati man called Bhupendra tells writes, “I don’t know what the ultimate is. How do you know you have reached that stage?” Papaji: “Ultimate has no stage. This is not the journey. Ultimate is here and now. The sadguru will remove the concept of attainment. You […]
