This Samsara is a crocodile

This compilation put together for Papaji’s birthday celebration starts with an early discourse from the 28th of March 1992, where Papaji explains that before seeing a teacher one needs: 1. Discernment / discrimination between real and unreal. 2. Rid oneself of pleasure of the senses, including those of heavens promised by the religions. 3. Abandonment […]

Aruna Malai Guru Ramana

A beautiful song sang by Music Maestro Ilayraja in Papaji’s lounge, used at the end of the compilation ‘I am with you wherever you are’ version of this song  @ilaiyaraajaofficial

Process is Postponement

In this extract from the 23rd of May 1994 a Dutch devotee called Rokus asks Papaji if freedom is a process or if the idea of process is postponement. Papaji replies. “Your essence cannot be achieved by any process. Process is to postpone this precious time to realize. Peace is not to be found in […]

11th December 1992

This satsang starts with a discourse on Self Enquiry. “For any success you need to avoid obstacles. Nothing belongs to you. Rejecting all objects of senses you come to ‘I’, also to be renounced. This is your time, the next hour belongs to Yama. Yama takes bodies only but not consciousness. What is death that […]

Divine Incarnation

This video compilation put together for Gurupurnima 2019 includes: . A discourse from 15th of April 1993, in which Papaji speaks about stopping every kind of practises, notions, intentions, ideations, even his own words, to be in the Here and Now. This is the instant from where creation arises from. Human incarnation is God itself […]
