One Second Guidance

In this extract from Papaji’s satsang of 7th March 1994, Papaji guides a Vipassana practitioner who is struggling in his meditation practise to the moment of the arising of thought, a ‘split second’ of timeless time. He then speaks about surrendering to the Guru as the pilot of the plane, which eventually will bring everyone […]

17th November 1992 – Worship

“Wherever you are, you are in Consciousness and Consciousness is within you. You have to worship the Purusha, this Cosmic Being within you. ” This Satsang from 17th November 1992 begins with Papaji giving a wonderful and emotional talk on the historic background of Buddhist worship with an emphasis on honouring everything that comes into […]

20th August 1992 – The Changeless Substratum – Part 1

This long satsang from August 20, 1992, is divided into two parts. In the opening discourse Papaji talks about Self as the substratum of everything. To realize the Self we need to enquire into who we really are. He then speaks about the ‘I’ as a concept, “When you speak of ‘I’ something is concealed. […]
