Death and Eternity

Papaji speaks about the blessings that derive from sitting with a realized being. He says that, among other things, close association with an awakened teacher will remove the fear of death. He advises nourishing the desire to be free and to “come with empty hands” and minds to the teacher. He goes on to explain […]

Return to Silence

The theme that runs throughout this compilation is “silence.” Papaji states and demonstrates that silence is one’s real and permanent nature. He goes on to say that silence is the ground and substance of everything in existence. He also answers the question, “Can one be silent while being active in the world? “ Papaji speaks […]

Who Am I?

This compilation was derived from a series of satsangs in which participants asked Papaji to speak about the experience of “I.” He was repeatedly asked, “Who am I, if I am not who I think I am?” Papaji directs one to the “experience of the heart” in which “I” is known directly, beyond all concepts […]

Give Me Enlightenment, Please!

In this all-time favourite and inspiring compilation, Papaji stresses the fact that one must not only give up the search for enlightenment but, more importantly, the idea that there is one who can engage in a search. He says that the “I” is the only hindrance to the realization of the truth of who one […]
