Look within and all neurosis will clear away

In this short extract from 15th December 1994, Papaji addresses neurosis. “To remove all these neurosis and psychosis is just to look within your own Self. Look within, not without. More and more you will look within, you will find for the first time how beautiful is your own Self. Just for an instant of time, simply […]

This Samsara is a crocodile

This compilation put together for Papaji’s birthday celebration starts with an early discourse from the 28th of March 1992, where Papaji explains that before seeing a teacher one needs: 1. Discernment / discrimination between real and unreal. 2. Rid oneself of pleasure of the senses, including those of heavens promised by the religions. 3. Abandonment […]

This flame is love

In this sweet short clip from the 12th of February 1993, a woman called Pele (means volcano) writes: “This flame is love burning fear and desires, so you are the first love in my life. Opening the window for locking the truth, I am home and there is bliss, freedom and grace. Being with you in me. Thank […]
