This flame is love

In this sweet short clip from the 12th of February 1993, a woman called Pele (means volcano) writes: “This flame is love burning fear and desires, so you are the first love in my life. Opening the window for locking the truth, I am home and there is bliss, freedom and grace. Being with you in me. Thank […]

What is love?

In this clip from the 12th of February 1993, a woman called Angelica asks Papaji: “Please talk to me about love.” Papaji: “Love can be only of the Self. All the rest is lusting about. If you want to see what is love, direct your mind not to any person but to the source of […]

12 February 1993 – Look within yourself and you will find that You Are God

The first 9 and half minutes of this amazing satsang from the 12th of February 1993 are in silence. Papaji speaks about Consciousness: “You are already free, and this freedom is consciousness. You think that contact with the objects of the senses gives you happiness, therefore everybody is involved with the objects of the senses. […]
