4th October 1993 – This HERE is Your Own SELF

This satsang from the 4th of October 1993 includes the following interactions:
* NIRMALA writes to Papaji on her return from Arunachala: “Arunachala is Here.”
Papaji: “Your own heart is Arunachala. It is in every Beings. If your mind is pure, God will follow you. Moksha is always here and nobody is happy in the world unless there is love for God. Papaji quotes Kabir half of a half instant of time to be free The teacher is a raft that ferries you across the ocean safely.” * RITU gets a new name: GARGI Papaji talks about quality of Ganga and a recent visit to Gangotri and mentions some people suggesting he moves there. Papaji explains how he can’t leave Lucknow because of his disciples unless everyone agrees to move.
* MAYA: “Help me remove the veil.”
Papaji: “Your name itself is a veil. Remove all desires. In nothingness there should be no person, no object and no notion.”
* PARAMAHAMSA: writes a poem of understanding.
Papaji gives the meaning of Hamsa – Discrimination. “Reject what is temporary and keep company with That which is eternal: Atman.”
* DIPESH: “I want to be free! Fear to die.”
Papaji: “If you are bound show me the chains. Your desires are chains. When you remove all these, you are free. If you are afraid of death, how can you be eternal? If you are not afraid of death you will not die. Guru removes the concept of body. Just keep quiet on the plane. The pilot is not the front and knows where to take you. You will be carried to final destination without doing anything.”
* PENTA: “Have a urge to give love back to you.”
Papaji: “This is not a market place. When you enter into love it becomes love. This urge is mind. Desire to surrender removes the ‘I’. ”
* RAMIATA: Get a new name DIVYA.
Papaji tells a story from the Upanishads: “God says: what the devotee wants from me it will be fulfilled. I am afraid of that person who comes in front of me only to love me. I am now always a slave and follow him one step behind at all time.”
* PUKRAJ: “How to stop thoughts? Please show me love.”
Papaji makes jokes about finding his match. “The meaning of your name is absolute immaculate. You are attached to someone or some object. Try to abandon all attachments, you can’t have love or be beautiful otherwise.”

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