8 Aug 1992 – What is Changeless?
This amazing satsang from the 8th of August 1992 starts with one discourse titled ‘What is changeless?’ “Anything that changes implies there is something that does not change as its substratum. Satsang is for those who want to utilize their precious birth as a human being to see what is changeless, what is eternal, what is peace, and what is love, and what is consciousness, and what is existing. And that can be instantly found if you very patiently, with a peaceful mind devote some seconds for yourself and stay quiet. Abandon all dharmas, all karmas, all concepts, and sit quiet. That is what I speak of: a rare moment. You are now facing that which is changeless. And that is not other than you.”
The video contains the following interactions:
. ABBA (Amravati) tells Papaji that she has been through a long search, part of which living very simply in India. PAPAJI: Keep quiet and don’t allow your mind to cling to previous thought. Be in the now. Now is freedom, always clear.
. SATYA SAGAR: Show me the way in or out. PAPAJI: Luck-now is not a direction, no need to travel. The only wall is “I.”
. GURUDAS. A state better than sleep. PAPAJI: This is the 4th and 5th state, Turya and Turyatita. Sacrifice everything for this moment.
. ISAAC. Sense of self is gone but there’s still a subtle movement of attention. PAPAJI: This subtle effort is because the mind wants to understand what’s happened. Mind is not dead but dum. It won’t be done by effort. There is some undescribable way but that can be done. Leela knows.