4th March 1995 – No mirror for the dust to alight

This satsang from the 4th of March 1995 includes the following interactions:
. GRACE: Eternal gratitude to Papaji and other teachers encountered in her path. Papaji: The guru hands over to the student everything when He sees he is real. The teacher dwells in your own heart, the Heart of all beings of the universe. You’ve got everything, you cannot get anymore. Digest it well and share it with others. This form was given to you as a gift, don’t give it up.
. AREND: It is done. Papaji: Whatever the teacher has, he hands over to one whom he thinks that he is now ready to receive everything. Papaji tells the story of Ch’an Master Hung-jen and his Gāthā “There is no mirror. Where the dust will alight?”
. NIRA: I offer you this heart at your feet.
. ALICIA: Why do we have to give up the world of forms, to be identified with the Self? Papaji: You have to appreciate this form. It is given to you as a gift from God so that you recognise Him within it.
. ANNE: My heart is singing your beauty. My heart is singing your silence. Only you are here.
. JEFFREY: What is the key to leading a very happy and free and loving life while you are married? Papaji: Have a son and a daughter!
Satsang follows with devotional offerings.

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