6th March 1997 – Sleep when others are awake
This satsang from the 6th of March 1997 is very special because in 1997 Papaji was frail and mostly unwell, with weeks when he did not hold satsang at all or when satsang consisted mostly of singing and dancing in celebration of His Divine Presence.
This satsang includes the following interactions:
*SATCHIDANAND: Death in the family. When the body dies, where do I go? Papaji: Who will ask this after the body dies? The body is already dead, who are you? Ask yourself. Who am I? I am That.
*SHOLA is leaving for Boulder. Papaji: The search is over when you are married. Help your friends there.
*RAJINI: I have asked for hours: Who am I? Papaji: Carry on further, there’s peace and love.
*GYANESHWAR: Busy with practices for 20 years and it’s meaningless. Papaji: Here is peace. Stand naked and hold it in your hand.
*VIVEKA: Remove the obstacles to realization. Papaji: It’s in your hands, don’t listen to anyone. Be quiet, find out who you are.
*SANATAN: If all is predestined, how can there be individual karmic responsibility? Papaji: Some people believe in karmic predestination. The answer is unknown, find for yourself, in the 4th state: Who am I? The Truth is neither. Questions come only in waking or in dreaming states. Good and bad were fixed by man, by society.
*NAMITO: Who and what am I? Papaji: Mind watching mind is prison, get out! But people like it. If you know the Truth, you are not in prison. Avoid both arrogance and softness. My love is impure. If you do what I say you will be happy, those who don’t, will be hanged.
*PETER PAUL: Requests for a moment of silence in memory of Robert Adams. Papaji: YOU keep quiet and it will be good for everyone, not just for Adams. Then you will see that everyone is happy. There is no happy or unhappy, there is no world at all! Wake up!