Kabir and His Torch

Kabir says, “If you are a real seeker of Truth, a seeker of freedom, it
takes only one kshanam.” Kshanam means one second divided by
four thousand five hundred — a four-thousand-five-hundredth part of a second.

He said, “If you are a seeker after Truth, then you are free
in one four-thousand-five-hundredth part of a second.”

Kabir used to go from door to door with a firebrand in his hand. He
would stand outside each house, shouting, “Come! Come out of the
house! Come out so that I can burn it! I shall burn it for you and give
you freedom! I will give you freedom. Come out! Come out of your

Everyone was afraid. No one came out. No one would come.
What did Kabir mean? Why did he want to burn the house?
What is this house to be burned, and what is the torch in the hands of
an enlightened man?

The flaming torch is the teaching. This teaching is fire. Kabir says,
“Come out of your house and let me burn it!”

The sage is ready to go from door to door to burn houses of your
vasanas, your desires and false convictions, “this is me” and “this is
mine.” The saint is so compassionate he goes from door to door with
fire in his hand.

But no one accepts this fire.

Even your next breath is not in your hands. A million dollars will not
buy your next breath. And yet you will not come out of your houses
for even one kshanam.