Support Papaji’s Avadhuta Foundation

Let there be peace and love amongst all beings of the universe.

The Avadhuta Foundation is grateful that it can be sustained entirely by donations. With 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(b) nonprofit status (FEIN #84-1465779), donations are tax-deductible.

To send a check:

Avadhuta Foundation
P.O. Box 296
Boulder, CO, 80302

Other ways to give:

For other ways of giving please contact us:


Avadhuta welcomes volunteers, you do not need to be local, if you have time or a special skill to offer we would love to hear from you.

Your donation supports:

Foundation Maintenance

Avadhuta is run by volunteers and most of our offerings are free of charge. To keep the foundation operational we rely on paid contractors to help us with our accounting, website maintenance and digital media.

Physical Archival Storage

The entire collection of Papaji’s archives– photos, letters, books, digital masters and equipment is housed by the Foundation. We keep this collection in temperature-controlled storage off site.

Digitizing and Preservation

The Avadhuta Foundation continues to digitize and preserve Papaji’s archive of audio and visual media, keeping his message of freedom accessible to future generations.

Digital Platforms

The Avadhuta Foundation has multiple digital platforms such as YouTube and SoundCloud. We share updates and links to new content on multiple social media channels .

Global Community

Papaji books and videos have been translated/subtitled into more than 10 different languages. We provide support as needed for the creation of these translations.

Special Projects and Celebrations

Three times a year the Foundation used to host celebrations in the Boulder community for Papaji’s Birthday, Gurupurnima, and Mahasamadhi. In lieu of in-person celebrations, we now share special video compilations with our global sangha via our YouTube channel and social media platforms.
