Akbar and the Fakir

Akbar became famous even in his own lifetime due to his generosity,
wisdom and love of holy men.

One day a fakir, hearing of Akbar’s generosity, came to the
Emperor’s palace to ask for money. The guards, knowing that the
Emperor never turned away any holy man, let the fakir in.
It was the time for prayer. While Akbar was occupied with his
devotions, the fakir took a seat in a corner of the room.

Akbar was praying, “O Lord, give me money, give me wealth.”
When he heard this, the fakir started to leave.

Finishing his prayers, Akbar ran after him and said, “Wait! Wait! I was
absorbed in my prayers. Please tell me what you want and I will give
it to you.”

The fakir answered, “I came to an emperor to beg for money. But I
found that you, too, were a beggar. You, too, were begging for
something from someone. Since there’s no difference between us,
why should I beg from another beggar? If I must beg, let me beg from
the same person you were begging from. I’ll beg from God.”

Saying this, the fakir walked away.