The Lover and His Beloved

There was once a lover who was separated from his beloved. He found someone who was traveling in her direction to take a message to her. 

As they were walking along, the lover was telling the messenger how beautiful his beloved was, and how happy he would be when they eventually managed to meet again. The lover gave a long message of love that he wanted the messenger to deliver. 

The messenger set off but the lover followed him because he hadn’t finished describing the greatness of his beloved. He eventually travelled the whole length of the journey with the messenger, and throughout the trip his sole topic of conversation was his beloved.

As they reached the destination the messenger saw the woman first. “There she is,” he said. “You can tell her yourself.”

The lover was struck dumb. His tongue was paralysed by the joy he felt. With that one direct sight, all words ended. 

When you finally glimpse the Beloved, you don’t need to talk about Her any longer. You just enjoy Her.

When you once experience That, you don’t need to talk about it any more. In fact, you can’t.