4th May 1993 – Satsang is the only cure

This satsang from the 4th of May 1993 has the following interactions:
. Aphrodite (BIJLI) asks: What is the relationship between Guru and disciple?
Papaji: All other relationships possess you: parents, priest, relatives, friends and teachers. Even after death nobody leaves you. All these are relations of the flesh. Someone who wants to be free enters into relationship with preacher, following some religion like sheep. Sadguru will give you intimate relationship with your inner Self. He is to be adored, not followed. Satguru is within you. If you don’t recognize him it will manifest in somebody. Pray to yourself “I need the help of Sadguru”
Cont: Do we need healthy mind and body in order to be enlightened?
Papaji: Mind is always sick; Satsang is the only cure of sick mind. Healthy body and healthy mind are needed. If you waist all life in enjoyment of senses you will never be satisfied. Mentions old couple marrying in NY. Desire never gets old.”
. Pankaji: sings her poem ‘No song to sing…’
. Chaitanya: What can I offer my dying father?
Papaji: Sit and meditate in front of him. It is the best offering at any time to any person.
. Kamala. Papaji directs her into self-enquiry.
. John: I will try to become Buddha myself.
Papaji: Why doubt? Mind is graveyard. Living means presence without time.
. Deva Priti: Leaving and thanks
. Margareth: I am full of thoughts, ideas, and dreams. Experienced child abuse. Papaji is moved: Whatever has happened, forget about it. They will receive their punishments. I’m your father.
. No Name: Question on karma.
Papaji: Karma and rebirth do not belong to seeker of freedom. There is no karma and rebirth. Sadguru removes these stupid concepts.
. Reena sings a song by Saint Kabir.

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